Saturday, October 29, 2016

Breakfast Done Right!

Good Morning!
Today, I'd like to share with you a simple, nutrient-rich meal that clocks in at only 344 calories, with 49g of carbs, 10g of fat, and 16g of protein. However, don't let those numbers fool you. This is a large meal that is very filling!
This, folks, is why it is so important for you to eat REAL food. One of the many problems with processed, pre-packaged food is that it is so full of sugar and fat that you wind up consuming massive amounts of calories while eating tiny portion sizes and remaining hungry. Go for the fresh stuff; your body will thank you for it!

Sweet Potato: 3.18 oz
Green Bell (Sweet) Pepper: 4.16 oz
Eggs: 3.39 oz
Banana: 4.16 oz

Total Calories:  344
Total Carbs:     49g
Total Fat:         10g
Total Protein:   16g
Fiber:              9g
Vitamin A:       361% (based on a 2000 cal. diet)
Vitamin C:       204% (based on a 2000 cal. diet)

Have fun with these ingredients! I just pan-fried everything using a zero-calorie non-stick spray. But, sweet potatoes are delicious boiled and baked, too! Sprinkle them with a little cinnamon for even more flavor. Another tasty way to combine these ingredients is in scrambled eggs, or an omelet. Let your culinary imagination run wild!

You can always add flavor by using fresh crushed black pepper, salt, etc. It's even ok to add in a little butter and sugar. You have to enjoy the food your eating, or you will never be able to stick to a healthy routine. Just make sure that you control your portions (use those measuring spoons, cups, and kitchen scale!) and account for your total daily intake, making sure you are within your allowable range.

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